Why Choose Us

A one-stop solution for you to get connected with Singapore as a tourist or as a business. We are committed to provide the best support to meet your needs with our seamless payment solution services

Instant&advance booking

Instant & Advanced Bookings

Experience like local-8

Experience Like a Local

Convenient Payment

Convenient Payments

Certified staff-8

Qualified Goods & Services


You Deserve The Best Travel Experience

Creating a personalise and delightful travelling experience with our advanced booking service. Travellers can enjoy special promotions and discounts to tourist attractions in Singapore


Let The World Hear About Your Goods And Services

We bring in more revenue for your business, from our overseas users and travellers.
Get connected to overseas businesses and individuals who are looking to engage Singapore companies to purchase quality goods and services

Seamless Overseas Payments

Business owners can now make fast and secure payments 24/7 at any parts of the world

Seamless payment

Sign Up Process

Support Team

Global Customer Support

We have support staffs around different parts of the world providing customer support in English, Chinese and Japanese. Drop us an enquiry whenever you need help.

About Us

We connect travellers to Singapore and increase opportunities for local businesses to reach out to overseas clients

About us

Contact Us

Get connected with us if you are interested to be a merchant with us.